Kalamaki Crete


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The personal information that we collect from you is stored by us on databases protected through a combination of physical and electronic access controls, firewall technology and other reasonable security measures. We will neither sell nor release your registration, personal and usage data to outside organizations.

You have other questions or just need more information, you can contact us daily from 08:30 - 14:00 h and from 17:00 – 21:00 h as follows by:

Telephone: 0030 28920 45797
Mobile Phone: 0030 694 4504833 / 0030 6982995709
Fax: 0030 28920 45185
E-Mail: info@kalamakicrete.com

Winter Contact: (November-March) you can contact us from Monday – Saturday (09:00- 13:00h)
Telephone: 0030 28920 45797 
Fax: 0030 28920 45185
E-Mail: info@kalamakicrete.com


Kalamaki 70 200 / Crete Greece
Tel. 28920 45797 – Fax 28920 45185
e-mail: info@kalamakicrete.com
MHTE: 10 39 K 01 2A 00212 01


Kalamaki 70 200 / Crete Greece
Tel. 28920 45797 – Fax 28920 45185
e-mail: info@kalamakicrete.com
MHTE: 10 39 K 10 00 00125 00

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